Thursday, November 26, 2009

Christmas Tea Party at the Homes

The Homes have been on the receiving end this year of many, many kind and generous gifts and donations from friends both in Eshowe and as far afield as Richards Bay.
We wanted to say thank you and so this morning
Friends of the Homes joined the Residents in the garden
to enjoy a special Christmas Tea. The morning was warm if not too sunny and people were able to relax and mingle and shop.
The Resident's seasonal goodies were in great demand and business was brisk. The Knick Knack shop was crowded with customers, old and new and there were bargains for all.
One resident told me how much they all appreciate the visitors coming to have tea and to socialize. She said it really does them good!
It is heartwarming to know the Homes have so many kind and loving friends in the Community.

A big thank you to Manager Linda and her staff who worked hard setting the scene and organizing the delicious tea.
Linda has worked tirelessly for the Homes since she started a few months ago and she not only cares for the residents but involves herself in the decor and also inspires the crafters with her novel ideas and creativity.