Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009


At the Homes the Residents have been very busy creating cards and jewellery which they sell every Thursday morning at the Tea in the Garden. These crafts are selling well and to date the monies raised have paid for soft furnishings, tiles, pictures etc for the Homes' bedrooms.

In addition to raising funds the crafts are fun to do and the residents really look forward to visits by scrapbooking expert Gail who comes every week to do demonstrate the card making.


Hello and welcome!
The purpose of this blog is to report on events and fundraising activities at the Zululand Homes for the Aged in Eshowe.

I also want to increase interest in the Knick Knack thrift shop at the Homes.

Blogging is so new to me, I will be learning as I go and if anyone has advice or tips for me I will be quite happy to hear from them!