Friday, October 23, 2009

Christmas Preparations

23rd october 2009

The Craft group have been very busy this month making Christmas decorations and cards. These little felt creations have a dual use, send the card with your own message inside and your friend will have an ornament to hang on her tree which will remind her of you for years to come.Also in the pipeline are some special Christmas crackers, straw angels and other handmade gifts. These will all be on sale on November 26th when we welcome friends of the Homes to a festive Christmas Tea as a special thank you to them for all their efforts towards improving the Homes and the lives of the Residents. The invitations will be on their way soon.
The Knick Knack Shop will be open that day and on sale will be a collection of Vintage costume jewellery, just in time for that special Christmas gift.
With the Festive season in mind we also offer two designer evening dresses and a beautiful fur stole, ideal for glamorous nights!!
The Shop is open every Tuesday and Thursday mornings so do come in and see us.